How AI-Powered Virtual Assistants Can Improve Employee Retention

For years, artificial intelligence (AI) has loomed as a threat to jobs. But what if workers have viewed the power of AI wrong? What if AI, implemented correctly, can actually make employees’ jobs better?

Contact centers have historically dealt with high turnover rates. Employees grow frustrated by the repetitive nature of the work, responding to the same four or five common questions, all while having an endless queue of inquiries waiting with a frustrated customer on the other end.

Hire. Onboard. Resign. A rinse and repeat cycle that’s costly for employers, frustrating for employees, and unfair to customers. 

The reality is finding, training and retaining great team members for branch and support operations is getting increasingly difficult. This makes it challenging for banks and credit unions to deliver the great service they want to be known for in their communities. 

Enter Glia Virtual Assistants (GVAs). These pre-built virtual assistants provide automated self-service through a conversational interface and alleviate many of the frustrations that consume call center reps and customers alike. By implementing virtual assistants on your website or mobile interface to handle the routine requests that burden contact centers, employees are freed up to handle high-value inquiries with shortened wait times while customers/members get instant satisfaction and resolution to their most common support requests.

AI doesn’t just drive efficiency and customer satisfaction—you can improve employee retention and morale by offloading routine work to virtual assistants. Why have your valuable support agents acting like robots and bogged down with boring, monotonous work? Glia’s AI-powered banking chatbot and Digital Customer Service platform offers much-needed relief to contact centers, freeing up agent time to focus on personal, high-value conversations.

What do Glia Virtual Assistants look like in action?

When GVAs are deployed as part of a full Digital Customer Service strategy with Glia, banks and credit unions are able to provide a seamless experience for virtual and agent-assisted journeys across text and voice (including phone). The chatbots allow for a smooth transition to live reps with smart routing, keeping the customer engaged in the same channel and ensuring the rep is able to continue the journey, rather than start it over. 

When assisting a customer or member, enabling reps to CoBrowse with the visitor provides valuable visual context and allows representatives to “show” not just “tell” — leading to decreased average handle time, more satisfied customers, and empowered staff.

With virtual assistants layered into Digital Customer Service, banks and credit unions can deliver higher service efficiencies all without extended service hours or hiring more reps. And the reps working the call center won’t be constantly scouring job boards looking for a new job.

Learn more about how Glia Virtual Assistants can improve your staff retention while simultaneously elevating the customer experience.