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Introducing Movers & Shakers: A Podcast on Customer Experience

As a growing number of businesses begin competing more on Customer Experience and less on price, we expect to see a shift in the...

Should Marketing Own the Customer Experience?

Over the last decade, the role of Chief Marketing Officer has rapidly evolved. New technologies allow for better personalization, which 86 percent of consumers...

Why Video Chat is the Next Big Thing for Business

Remember the movie Back to the Future II? Filmmakers created a landscape of what they thought the world would look like 30 years into...

Glia + CoreOS

Security is one of the pillars of the Glia platform. As such, we are constantly looking for ways to improve the integrity of our...

The CX Fund

A few days ago, Geoff Teehan, Product Design Director at Facebook, posted an update on the UX Fund experiment he and his former company (Teehan+Lax)...

Bots Make Great Receptionists

Automation is the name of the game in 2016. Companies like Domino’s and Macy’s are increasing efficiency by using bots as a part of...

The Automotive Retail Revolution

This post is a special guest post written by Rich Shugg, Senior Director at AutoBytel. Wikipedia defines revolution (from the Latin word revolutio which means “turn...

Meet Our Bot

In the past few years, bots have exploded in popularity far beyond Siri. Facebook Messenger now has 11,000 bots for users to speak with,...

The Balance Between Comms Tools and Human Interaction

According to a 2016 Accenture Global Consumer Pulse Survey measuring the experience of 24,489 customers in 33 countries across 11 industries, “52% of consumers...

How High-Touch Engagement Increases Conversion

As most of you know by now, Glia's vision is to meet or exceed the in-person customer experience online. When we refer to the...