Have you considered implementing AI-powered CCaaS? Let’s start with two questions: the first a demographic/categorical question and the other a “no-brainer” question:
Question #1: Which best describes your role within your organization?
- Customer facing rep or agent
- Supervisor or team leader
- Director or manager
- Executive
Question #2: When it comes to the specifics of your job, are you looking to make things:
- Harder
- Easier
No matter how you answered the first question, and given the obviousness of the second, what we’ve been learning at Glia is that new AI tools and functionality can now make everyone’s job easier, more efficient and that much more effective—no matter your role.
The Wrong Way to Think About AI-Powered CCaaS
It’s all too common for organizations to think about AI as a customer-facing technology. Replacing human interactions with virtual assistance, creating opportunities for customers to get what they need without having to call or chat with a person—that’s what bots are good for, right?
Not entirely.
When companies are focused only on the external uses for AI, that can be scary. No organization wants to put themselves in a position to have a bot telling a customer something that hasn’t been approved, or violates regulatory compliance, or is just flat out wrong. That’s a scary possibility—and it’s why Glia is helping hundreds of financial services companies to explore the full breadth of how AI can assist at all levels.
We call this AI For AllTM.
What is AI for All?
While there are many situations in which customers could have an interaction with a virtual assistant that fully satisfies their need, the strategy of AI For All is built around also meeting the needs of 3 other stakeholder groups:
Frontline Agents and Reps
With AI, it’s now possible to automate many of the mundane elements required of those who serve customers. Virtual assistants can now create a detailed post-interaction wrap-up that takes a few seconds for agents to approve, instead of a couple of minutes to write up. Tools like Agent Assist GVA provide instant feedback and contextual information on any customer interaction as it’s happening. Cortex Transfer Summary provides all the background about this customer’s journey (before they were connected to you) so that the rep can enter the interaction at the same place as the customer–in the middle.
Some frontline employees who were initially fearful that “the robots are coming to take our jobs”, are actually experiencing liberating freedom. Their reaction is typically something like “Virtual assistants are happy to do all the drudgery, so that I can focus on being a genuine person and connecting with this one customer I’m interacting with.” Think about it this way: Virtual assistants are the prep cooks, so agents can focus on being the chef.
We know from the research that when companies create a lower-effort environment for their frontline employees, it is a virtual certainty that customers will also have a low-effort experience–which equates directly to future loyalty and lifetime value.
Leaders and Supervisors
Whether your title includes Contact Center, Digital Services, Customer Experience or any function that involves managing customer interactions, you should be excited about what’s now available specifically for you. AI features like Glia Quality Analyst enable you to “ask questions to your data” on any level you choose. Imagine being able to ask about a specific agent’s performance, or of one team or one shift. Think about what you could learn by asking the virtual assistant to identify trends and hot issues and suggest immediate improvement opportunities.
By removing the barrier of involving a specialized analyst every time you want to run a report or learn something, AI becomes a desktop tool that you can play around with and see what it comes up with. Since there’s no limit to the questions you can ask, there’s no telling what you might learn. And every time you initiate improvement based on real performance insights, you’re building a reputation for being an excellent leader. But you don’t have to figure it out on your own–all you have to do is ask. AI isn’t taking away the job of being a leader, it’s just making it a lot easier to be great at it.
Managers and Executives
So much of management involves looking at data and reports, but typically executives are limited by the dashboard data points and weekly/monthly reports that they’ve always relied on. But what if you had a virtual assistant at your disposal that could create any report about anything you ever wanted to measure and analyze? New tools like Forecast AnalystGPT calculate demand projections and generate staffing recommendations based on whatever parameters you choose. Certainly you could do that yourself, but what if 90% of the work was handed to you before you started?
Insights AnalystGPT is a natural language tool that produces instant visuals in any format you prefer, based on any question you ask. How could something like that help you identify strategic opportunities, or help your confidence in making smarter decisions about future investments and budgeting? Your job is to be a steward of the organization’s resources. And now you have help beyond anything a human assistant could ever be asked to do. If you asked someone on your team to create a dozen new reports that require them to gather data points your company doesn’t even currently measure, they’d probably want to quit on the spot. But virtual assistants can generate a dozen reports in 20 minutes and be ready for more whenever you are.
AI-Powered CCaaS: The Democracy of AI For All
An observation about the evolution of technology in our daily lives: It’s not a matter of what can be done, it’s a matter of who can do what. As new AI applications reach a state of maturation, one realization is that 0% of interactions should be “human-only.” Every interaction can either be: automated, or augmented by AI. Even the interactions that require human touch should be handled by someone who is being virtually assisted behind the scenes. And for those who manage and lead the various departments that interact with customers, their daily work should also be augmented in ways that make it easier for them to be more effective.
If you haven’t had a chance to see what AI For AllTM looks like, or gotten the opportunity to play around with the various Glia features that drive efficiency at all levels of your organization, we’d be excited to show you.
The bots aren’t coming to replace us, they’re here to replace the parts of our jobs that take us away from being more creative, strategic and successful.