Glia started off 2019 with a bang by being featured in Forrester’s newest report: How To Build A Modern Agent Desktop And Transform Customer Service Experiences: The Five Critical Elements for the Agent Desktop of the Future. This report explains how making your call center agents feel happier and more fulfilled at work results in higher quality work, as well as increased employee retention and productivity. It also highlights the five key functions that a modern agent’s desktop should contain if they hope to enable their customer service representatives to deliver top-notch customer experiences.
One of the main takeaways from this report is that customers should have the ability to seamlessly transition from one channel to another during an engagement without being removed from the site they started on and without repeating themselves if transferred. This section is where Glia’s platform was featured – it shows the backend of our system and showcases how Glia’s agent desktop allows agents and customers to flow through channel interactions.
For example:
- Chatbot assisted interaction to start
- Suggesting to the customer to upgrade the conversation to one-way video chat
- Moving to a two-way video chat session
- Offering over CoBrowsing to fully engage the customer and walk them through the engagement
If you’re interested in reading the full report, click here!