3 Banking Customer Service Resolutions Worth Making in 2025

We’ve all been down the path of making resolutions for the new year, right? And if we’re being honest with ourselves most of them end up in the folder labeled “more of an idea than a reality,” whether in the world of our banking customer service 9-5 or our 5-9 at home.

The number 1 reason we don’t stick to our resolutions? They’re hard. Getting up at 5am to work out is hard. Losing weight is hard (unless your doctor can hook you up with the new stuff!). This is why we’d like to share 3 banking customer service resolutions that are not only easy to keep, but will make your life in 2025 easier than it’s ever been.

Resolution #1: Make it easier for your team to interact with customers using AI

Throughout 2024, we’ve seen an explosion in agent-assisting AI tools that are turning the job of “customer service agent” from frequently annoying to fulfilling and engaging. Among the best-received throughout the year, is Cortex Interaction Wrap-Up

Instead of having to conclude each interaction with a laborious series of code-tagging and post-call work, what if all that could be done instantly? Agent-facing AI has now gotten so good that all the rep has to do is take a quick glance at the wrap-up screen, add or change any details about the interaction that they’d like, and “boom,” done. But wait, there’s more.

Additional tools like Cortex Intercept, Agent Assist GVA, and Cortex Transfer Summary are enabling frontline agents at banking call centers to do more of what they do best–creating human relationships–and less of what they hate–the repetitive and quotidian tasks that create burnout. And oh by the way, the cost savings that result are immediately evident as well in reduced handle time and greater efficiency. It only makes sense to resolve to put these tools in the hands of the most important people in your organization–the ones who interact directly with your customers.

Resolution #2: Implement new AI resources that make leading your team easy

One of the key elements of success for any banking customer service leader is managing data. That, too, can be hard.

But what if you could just “ask” your data any question about your customer interactions, and get instant analysis? That’s what’s happening with Glia Quality AnalystGPT

You can ask about individual agent performance, team performance, identify macro trends, or seek instant improvement opportunities any time you’d like, as often as you’d like. While described as a tool, you could almost think of it like a toy. A toy you can play around with, experiment with, learning as you go. 

It used to be hard to get insightful data–you had to ask someone to create a report, and then know what to ask, and then justify why you wanted to ask in the first place. What if you didn’t have to? Let us show you some of the questions other companies are asking their customer interaction data, what they’ve been learning–and doing differently–as a result.

Resolution #3: Identify AI-resistant members and introduce them to Responsible AI

We get it, there are some people at every company who are cautious about AI. Who can blame them? There are some applications of AI that could blow up into career-enders. Hard pass. But AI isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition in the world of banking customer service. 

Yes, the most dangerous scenario is allowing bots to communicate directly with customers and make up answers or flat out misinformation, but that’s not all AI is good for. The practice of Responsible AI starts with the imperative that “no information will ever be presented to a customer that hasn’t already been fully approved at all levels.” It’s about offering safe, turnkey, and proven technology that has been custom-designed for high-trust organizations like yours.

But beyond the built-in risk mitigation, there’s no one at your organization who would ever argue against solutions that create a far better customer (and agent) experience while ALSO costing less than what you’re currently doing, right? The only resistance would come from someone who isn’t familiar with Responsible AI. But you can help them understand, and if you need any backup we’d be happy to be part of the conversation. 

Resolve to make 2025 your most effortless year ever. It’s never been easier to make your life easier. Get in touch with us and get started on your new year’s resolutions early.