Build a Digital Customer Engagement Strategy

Transform your business and how you interact with customers. 

No matter how good of a service you offer, or how better than the competition you are, if you can’t keep people engaged on your digital properties then you aren’t going to see the results you’re looking for. 

Digital customer engagement is an unignorable step to the success of your financial institution: The longer someone stays on your website or mobile property, the more likely they’re going to become a customer. Anything that will keep them on, and in turn anything that will prevent them from leaving, is crucial to your success. 

Think of your digital property like an actual storefront: Your advertising has worked and someone has just walked in through the door, so how are you going to ensure that they stay inside long enough to successfully make a purchase before going somewhere else? Here’s a few strategies you can keep in mind. 

Proactive Outreach

If you’re in an unfamiliar store and having trouble finding a certain product, you’ve probably had an employee approach you to offer help before. This is a great way to keep customers from getting too lost or frustrated, giving them an easy way to accept some help without needing to seek it out themselves. Even if they turn down the offer, you’re still letting them know that help is available should they change their mind. 

You can offer this kind of proactive service on your digital properties as well: With solutions such as Glia’s Embedded Interaction Visualizer, your service reps can see the real-time activity of customers. This allows them to see when a customer is struggling in a certain area, and reach out with a support request to help them along. Providing outreach right at the moment of need can prevent what otherwise would be an abandonment, boosting engagement and creating further opportunities for turning visitors into potential customers. 

Easy Self-Service

Sometimes, a customer in a store doesn’t want help from an employee when facing a challenge. They would rather use alternative means to help themselves out, such as informational screens or other forms of self-guidance. Giving the customer the choice to choose which avenue for help they’d like to pursue is important for digital customer engagement to ensure you’re not turning off customers by not giving them the options they desire. 

This is equally as important when looking at digital customer engagement: Providing users with multiple options for getting help keeps people on your site. One often requested tool for better self-service is a virtual banking assistant. This gives customers an easy way to ask questions and get answers without needing to connect with a live agent. This is more interactive and compelling than a standard FAQ page, and provides faster solutions that don’t require searching through pages, which could lead to a frustrated user unable to find the information and giving up. 

Seamless Transitions

Let’s say you asked an employee at a store for help, and after speaking with you for a few moments the employee realizes they need to get someone else to come help you. They have you wait for several minutes, and when the new employee comes to help you, they need you to explain your problem all over again. Would this frustrate you? Encourage you to seek a new store in the future? 

This can easily happen during a digital engagement as well, when transitioning between two different channels of communication. If a customer doing a text-based digital interaction needs to switch to voice or a video call, some platforms may require them to exit out of their current interaction and get back in line for another. This takes them out of the experience, providing yet another pain point, as well as requiring them to re-explain their issue when reconnecting. 

To prevent this, having a platform with the means to seamlessly transition users between channels will avoid these disconnects that give users opportunities to abandon interactions. They could switch between text, voice and video, a phone call, or any other interaction type without needing to exit the system or switch to a new representative. This keeps them in the interaction at all times, providing less opportunities for abandonments and creates a smoother, easier experience for everyone involved.